
Complete Choice® Enhanced:

Rate excludes installation charges, taxes, surcharges, subscriber-line and extended area service charges and Universal Service Fund fee. Offer includes access line and 8-12 calling features. For Connecticut customers, package includes access line and 10 calling features, including Privacy Manager. All other customers, Privacy Manager may be available upon request and may require additional charges. Display equipment required for Caller ID, Call Waiting ID and Privacy Manager®..Call Waiting ID requires subscription to Caller ID and Call Waiting. With Caller ID and Call Waiting ID, some call information may be blocked or otherwise not displayed, including information for some calls originating outside of AT&T's network and calls carried over facilities that do not transmit Caller ID information. With Three-Way Calling, Call Forwarding, 8 Code Speed Calling, Call Return, Missed Call Dialing, Call Again and Selective Call Forwarding, local toll/long distance charges may apply, depending on the location of the called parties. Toll or long distance charges may apply to calls forwarded or returned to numbers outside of your service area. In certain California metropolitan areas (ZUM 3), usage charges are incurred for calls that are beyond a customer's local calling area but are not local toll or long distance. Subscription to the AT&T Metro PlanSM will eliminate these ZUM 3 usage charges. The AT&T Metro Plan is available at no extra charge to California customers who subscribe to Complete Choice® Enhanced. Availability, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change. All features and services may not be available in all areas or on all calls.

Voice Terms & Conditions : Lifeline Services: If you are enrolled in government assistance programs or are low income, you may qualify for lifeline or other low income programs. For more information, call 800-288-2020. Stand Alone Local Access Service and Other Services: We offer the most popular consumer packages through this retailer. The entire AT&T product suite, including Measured Rate and Flat Rate local service on a stand alone basis is available by calling your local business office. The 1st bill may be higher than usual as it may include partial month charges along with your normal monthly rate. First bill will be approximately 2 months of service, the one time installation fee (if applicable), plus taxes and surcharges. You will receive a confirmation letter regarding this order. You will have 30 days from the postmark to call with any changes to avoid any additional service charges. If you'd like to set up installment billing over 3 months, please contact your local business office. ALL DISTANCE® package: Rate excludes installation charges, taxes, surcharges, subscriber-line and extended area usage and service charges, Universal Service Fund and Carrier Cost Recovery (CCRF) fees. CCRF of $1.99 per month is not a government required fee. ALL DISTANCE® package includes an access line for unlimited local service with 8-12 calling features and unlimited long distance service with the AT&T Unlimited Nationwide CallingSM Advantage 1 plan. For Connecticut customers, package includes access line with unlimited local service, 10 calling features and long distance plan noted above. Privacy Manager® is included in the package for Connecticut customers and may be available upon request elsewhere, and may require an additional charge. The Unlimited Nationwide CallingSM Advantage 1 plan is available only in combination with the ALL DISTANCE® package and cannot be used for long distance or local toll access to the Internet or for business purposes such as telemarketing, auto-dialing, or commercial or broadcast facsimile (FAX) where any of these calls would be long distance or local toll calls. AT&T Unlimited Nationwide CallingSM Advantage 1 requires subscription to AT&T local service, provisioning of Interstate, Intrastate / InterLATA and Intrastate / IntraLATA service. If this long distance plan is used for unauthorized purposes, the Company may immediately suspend, restrict or cancel the Customer's Service. If long distance provider is changed, your local service package will be Complete Choice® Enhanced. Long distance services provided by AT&T's long distance companies. Calls are billed in one-minute increments; partial minutes are charged as full minutes. Prices may vary based on additional options and class of service. Display equipment is required for Caller ID, Call Waiting ID and Privacy Manager®. Call Waiting ID requires subscription to Caller ID and Call Waiting. With Caller ID and Call Waiting ID, some call information may be blocked or otherwise not displayed, including information for some calls originating outside of AT&T's network and calls carried over facilities that do not transmit Caller ID information. With Call Forwarding, Selective Call Forwarding, Speed Calling 8, Three-Way Calling, Call Return, Missed Call Dialing and Call Again, local usage, local toll or long distance charges may apply, depending on the location of the called party. In certain California metropolitan areas (ZUM 3), usage charges are incurred for calls that are beyond a customer's local calling area but are not local toll or long distance. Subscription to the AT&T Metro PlanSM will ensure unlimited local and long distance calling. The AT&T Metro Plan is available on this offer at no extra charge in California. Availability, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change. All features and services may not be available in all areas or on all calls and may not be available internationally. You will receive a Welcome letter which includes your rates, terms & limitations. There will be other taxes, fees and surcharges that apply to your monthly rate. Check your welcome letter for details. © 2010 AT&T Intellectual Property. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All rights reserved. Subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. provide products and services under the AT&T brand.